TrackPack is the all-in-one mobile app that updates users on the statuses of all their packages. This platform uses an API within Android Studio to request shipment data from over 15 different postal carriers, giving you the shipment details you need, all in one place. This app was created with my team at Western University's Women in Tech Society Program.

Awarded: Women in Tech Society - Top Programmer
Fullstack Developer
Android Studio Code
Ship-It API
TrackPack incorporates a Ship-It API that updates the user on its delivery status by inputting its "Tracking Number" and "Postal Carrier" and one click of a button! The most recent packages tracked will show up on the dashboard screen and display its delivery status.

TrackPack's features can help the user:
- Save time and stay organized with incoming and outgoing packages
- Reduce the chance of losing packages
- Stay updated on all of its packages in one convenient location: an app in your phone!

For more information, please refer to the documentation
how we built it
Our team was full of new developers and designers! Our UX designer created the mockup and prototype in Figma. I created the Github repo and setup the Android Studio workplace with a basic landing page relative layout. Our front-end developer coded in a splash page and curated the home page. I then took over and implemented the API using Java and the Ship-It API. In a crunch-time of one week, I successfully implemented the API, and connecting the backend to the frontend, as well as supporting the frontend with standardized design components. Throughout this project, I learned how to use APIs, Android Studio Code, Github, and Java Object-Orientated Design. I was awarded one of the top three programmers in the event as well.